Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Weekend Time Out… So This is How it Feels like to Have a Family of Your Own

A few months ago I posted an article on the adjustments and tips on being a full time mom and housewife. Well, this article is kind of related to that. Just last week I suddenly felt so exhausted from the endless household chores and at the same time taking care of our super naughty 2 yr old. Not to mention the excruciating heat of the summer. (My hubby can’t help me at all since he’s so busy with work for the past few weeks.)

So before the weekend I asked my hubby if we could go out. Sort of like a “date”… a time out from work. I started my weekend with a 30-minute jogging in the park-like place near our area where a lot of joggers spend their mornings. This is one of my fun and tiring “me” time which I get to do at least once a week.

Later that afternoon we dropped by my parents’ house to leave our little boy with them after which we went on to our “date”. The few hours that my hubby and I spent together taking our minds off things and having our own private time for ourselves were so much fun. We hang out in my favorite place, bought some new things for ourselves, ate in an eat-all-you-can Japanese grill, saw a famous celebrity who looks good even if he’s wearing a sando-like shirt, smoked a few sticks of cigar after eating too much, and before the day ended we still took a sip of our fave milk tea.

The following day I was so, so sleepy. My hubby woke me up early morning to eat breakfast and again I slept for extra long hours and woke up mid-afternoon already. I woke up a few times hearing our little boy playing with his daddy. I was surprised to find out my hubby took care of my to-do’s as I was sleeping including bathing our little boy. Later that afternoon we did some grocery shopping for the week and had dinner out eating kare-kare with bagoong and fresh buco in a shell.

So yesterday, Monday, I started the week feeling so relaxed and recharged. I was able to do a lot of household chores including the so tiring laundry and even cooking one of our favorites, beef pares (I’m planning to post this in My Recipe Book section soon), which takes a few hours of preparation including marinating. Now I have everything planned for the week and tomorrow I’m spending the day with my parents in celebration of their upcoming special day.

It really is a big help to take some time out after a long week of work and responsibilities… and it’s a lot better spent with someone special. Every morning I have a lot of to-do’s lined up, some of which I get little or no help at all and at the end of the day I have a strange habit of not sleeping until I see both my little and big boy all tucked into bed. Just recently I felt so fulfilled seeing my little boy and knowing I have my hubby by my side. I guess I’m finally kind of passed the adjustment stage of being a full time mom and housewife. I realized I’m really getting old and a lot of things have changed but I’m so thankful to be able to experience this feeling of fulfillment – SO THIS IS HOW IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE A FAMILY OF YOUR OWN. It’s not perfect and in fact most of the time full of challenges and responsibilities but it’s a whole new experience which I hope you, my readers, will get to experience as well. I cannot exactly put it into words but one thing to describe it is… PRICELESS!!

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